Sunday, March 24, 2013


I just wanted to write something really quick to tell you about this blog. I'm creating this page so that I can post songs, poems and lyrics that either I write or love. Music is a huge part of my life, it inspires me everyday. I have been writing poems and lyrics since I was little. I had a poem of mine published when I was about 11 or 12 years old. Ever since then I have never stopped writing. Most of what I write is about my life experiences. 

I write about my life, my heartache and my happiness. Music is an outlet for me, it lets me express my emotions. I have written several songs, and I love to create music on my laptop to go with them. I have several songs completed, I may include some of those on here. But that is just a short introduction. Now to get to the poems and lyrics. 

If you love music and poems then check out my future posts. Subscribe, comment and share if you would like. I would love to know some feedback on what I write. Thank you. 

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