Sunday, March 24, 2013

Past, Present and Future

I'm just sitting here,
Thinking about my life.
The past, present and future,
How can I make it right.
The days feels so dark,
As dark as the night.
I'm looking out the window,
Staring at the sky.

I flashback to high school,
My very first day.
I wasn't just new to school,
I was new to the state. 
I walked into class,
And everybody stared.
I felt so out of place,
There and everywhere. 

I'm pulled back to the present,
When somebody calls my name.
I still feel out of place,
Even though it's not the same.
I look at them and listen,
But my mind isn't there.
I'm still thinking about my memories,
And not really here. 

My class is almost over, 
The clock is ticking down.
But I'm still stuck on campus,
Still stuck in this town.
I start thinking again,
About what could be.
I let it take over,
I let it take me. 

This time it's not the past,
It's a little ways ahead.
I'm staring at some ceiling,
Laying in some bed.
I hear some guys voice,
He walks into the room.
He kisses my forehead, 
And I realize he's my groom.
I suddenly feel happy,
Like my fears all went away.
Now I want to know,
When is this day.

Who is this guy, 
When and where do I meet him.

I'm pulled back to the present,
Cause class is over.
I pick up all my books,
And head out the door.
As I leave the room,
I bump into some guy.
I recognize his voice,
When he says Hi.

Not much to say about this poem, I wrote it a while ago. I love it though cause its not about heartbreak. It's about the possibility of meeting your dreams in reality. Let me know what you think. 

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