Sunday, March 24, 2013

Labyrinth of Darkness

I thought we were perfect,
Our life was like a dream.
But then we went downhill,
And you blamed it on me.
You told me it's over,
There's no going back.
Goodbye is a hard word,
But you said it so fast.

It's the hardest word to say,
No matter how you try.
In a Labyrinth of Darkness,
It's hard to find the light. 

And now I'm all alone,
Sitting on my bed.
Looking at the wall,
Thinking what should I have said. 
I can't believe you left me like this,
Was it on purpose or an accident. 

This song is also about an ex of mine, I have had a lot of heartache in my life. But getting hurt inspires me to write songs. I have several songs about heartache. What do you do to get over a breakup? I write to get my emotions out. 

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